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Three proven strategy our Advertising Agency uses to build backlinks

Easy Marketing > Business > Three proven strategy our Advertising Agency uses to build backlinks

Our Easy Marketing (Advertising agency in Nanaimo) can help you successfully scale or start your business. Nowadays, more and more people have access to the Internet. In fact, people often use Google Search to look for everything they want to know. Therefore, having a higher ranking in Google Search is extremely useful and important. This makes sure that your businesses get as many customers as possible. How do we get higher ranking in Google Search, then? One of the fastest ways to achieve this, is to get as many links as possible – building backlinks. The more links you can include, the higher ranking you will get. Nonetheless, finding links to include in your website or blog is not easy. It is time-consuming and tedious. Do not worry about that.

In this post, our Easy Marketing Advertising agency is sharing with you 3 amazing techniques to build links. These incredible link building techniques help your business get high quality links on your website. As you will see, this process is extremely easy and quick. These strategies are exactly what our Easy Marketing Advertising agency team does to build links. This will definitely help leverage your business to the next higher level.

Volunteer To Be Positive Testimonials In Your Niche

One of the effective techniques that our Easy Marketing (Advertising agency in Nanaimo) uses is the positive testimonials. Basically, our Easy Marketing Advertising agency team offers to be positive testimonials. Being testimonials for services or products that you have used or are using is so effective. This process allows you to have your testimonial description published on a third party website.  And in your testimonial description, you can put a link to your own website, social media or blog. That is so simple, right? Additionally, in this testimonial, you can also introduce a little bit about your business as well. But, make sure you do not say too much about your own business. Just a few words are enough. So that, people who view the testimonials know the products or services you are offering. They will then visit your website if they need them.

Let’s our Easy Marketing (Advertising agency in Nanaimo) show you exactly step by step how to do this.

Step 1: Find websites for products or services you can be positive testimonial for. Each website

  • Must be somehow related to your niche.
  • Already have existing testimonials on their sites.
  • Offering products or services that you actually have used or are using

Step 2: Pitch to the right target

Our Easy Marketing  Advertising agency team suggests that you ask them through the contact form on the website. Moreover, some websites often offer customers special testimonial submission forms as well. You can definitely use that if they do. For your information, if you cannot find their contact information, we can also use extensions such as:

  • Find That Lead
  • Hunter

Step 3: Writing the Perfect Testimonial

We suggest that you ask the company first before you create the actual testimonial description. If they say yes, then you can go ahead and write your own testimonial. Please remember to keep it simple, sweet and kind. Your testimonial description should include the following sections:

  • What you liked the most
  • How the tool, product, or service has helped you and is helping you.
  • Your personal specific results.
  • Your personal recommendation or suggestion.


Easy Marketing (Advertising agency in Nanaimo) suggests that you donate to support other businesses. The donation can be anything as low as $1 up to thousands of dollars. Crowdfunding is one of the most unknown ways to build links effectively. Indeed, there are various startups or well-established businesses that need funding to either scale or start their businesses. For your information, there are many crowdfunding sites where you can find numerous projects to donate to. For instance, Indiegogo, Kickstarter, Fundly.  The way this crowdfunding strategy works is through:

Donor Links

Almost all receivers include a donation page on their websites. This donation page includes all information of all donors. This information can include donor’s short description, logo and a link to their websites, social media or blogs.

Package Links

When you donate certain amount of money, the receiver will include your business’s description on their websites. This description can contain a link to your website, blog or social media. Indeed, this offer of linking is included in their package in exchange for your generous donation.

Make sure you find the crowdfunding projects that are within your niche and your budget.

Sponsor or host an event as an Advertising Agency

Our Easy Marketing Advertising agency suggests that you either sponsor or host an event. This event can be national, local or international. The bigger the event, the more people will see your links. Subsequently, the more traffic you can get. This is also an awesome way to build professional lasting relationships with other leaders in your industry. This is exactly how it works:

  • Hosting An Event
    • Create your own event.
    • Advertise it on third party sites.
    • In the description, put a link back to your website.
    • You can use Google Search to explore various event ideas.
    • Make sure the events are relevant to your niche.
  •  Sponsoring An Event

Most hosts include the sponsor page that includes link to your website.

  • First, you need to find out what kind of events you want to sponsor.
  • These events can be workshops, conferences, meetings, webinars, lectures, clubs.
  • Then you need to make a list of where these events are hosted. They can be either hosted online or a physical location.
  • Depending on the type of events, local events are usually hosted on local sites. But national or international events can often be found on websites like Eventful, MeetUp, or
  • Remember to find events that are relevant to your niche and within the budget you can handle.

Furthermore, you can also use Google Search to find these events. Our Easy Marketing Advertising agency suggests you use keywords like “sponsors”, “become a sponsor” or “support”.

Contact us if you have more questions about backlinks.